Expectations Vs. Reality: What It’s Like Being An Instagram Influencer
Mar. 10, 2025


Would you like to start using Instagram as an influencer? It's not as easy as you might believe, so you best be prepared to work very hard. And you might be surprised to learn how some of these pictures are taken if you peek behind the lens. Let's just compare your assumptions to the actual circumstances. Afterward, you can decide to change your mind.


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Getting Scared


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Instagram models constantly seem to be posing in a hazardous manner. It appears that Rianne Meijer has a reputation for acting in such a way. However, it was mostly done in jest to mock other celebrities. The second picture shows them sticking their heads out the car window, and you can see the complete terror on their faces. However, you can also see that the car is parked in the backdrop.


A Glamorous Workout


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Influencers frequently present exercise as being simple. It nearly seems as though they are unable to perspire. Geraldine West put an end to that idea by sharing a photo of herself running. makes it simple to understand that influential people are still simply people, like the rest of us.


Feeding The Pigeons


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Have you ever attempted to pet a pigeon. Actually, there isn't much that can be done about it. They are a species that is far more volatile than you may imagine. These photos sent on Twitter by @ViennaDoLL are the ideal illustration of that.


Within The Tree


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On occasion, your backyard can be the ideal location for a stunning picture. With just a tree and some leaves, you can get some really decent photos. However, be mindful of how absurd you could appear to others.


Dreams Of Flying


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Although they are managed by humans, dogs too have Instagram profiles. This pug frequently appears in pictures while flying. However, that picture has been altered. Really, all you're doing is staring at a washing machine. The machine's roar is similarly reminiscent of an engine from an aeroplane.


Getting Out Of The Pool


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There are so many great pictures of people doing ordinary things, like this one. No one can really make that look good. What they genuinely look like as they climb out of the water is depicted in the second image. In the first image, their hair hardly even appears to be damp.


When You Wake Up


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In the morning, people frequently take photos of themselves and pretend to have just woken up looking like that. Everyone is aware that after waking up, people actually get dressed. In order to show the disparity between a staged shot and them truly having just woken up, @the truth is not pretty posted two images. It's like day and night.


Grocery Shopping


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Even though a late-night excursion to the beach is rarely glamorous, some Instagram models manage to pull it off. But not Rianne Meijer. She depicts what it's really like to walk out late at night wearing a huge coat. And it isn't that attractive.


Safety Net


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Recall the discussion about Instagram models engaging in risky behavior while posing? Here's yet more illustration of that. This young lady is in a perilous situation, yet she is supported by two people. They are merely there to ensure that she is secure while the photographer takes the picture.


Hands Free


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People frequently take adorable pictures of themselves getting out of bed or lying down. And you probably don't give just that much thought. However, upon closer inspection, you notice that the image includes both of their hands. While you could try using a tripod or having someone else snap the photo, @ViennaDoLL doesn't do any of those things. Instead, she uses her foot to capture the picture.


After The Ride


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Another image of @ViennaDoLL on a roller coaster is available. Every time they stop the ride to snap a picture, it's right when everyone starts to panic. Before the journey begins, you can pose for a cute photo, but the truth will always emerge.


The Fake Hand


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Do you know what the "follow me" photo craze is all about? It occurs when the subject of the shot beckons the photographer to follow them by reaching back to take their hand. Geraldine West made the decision to spoof that kind of image, perhaps revealing some of those images to be true. She was literally clutching a mannequin's hand, so to speak.


Slurping Noodles


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Noodles are never eaten on a first date. Simply said, it's unpleasant to see. Some Instagram influencers somehow manage to make slurping noodles look chic. That is, however, before they actually begin attempting to eat them. No one can make something appear good, as you can tell by looking at this before and after picture.


Don’t Face The Sun


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Vacation photos of the famous always seem to look glamorous. They’re intended to make the general masses jealous after all. However, when snapping a photo in a sunny or tropical locale, the natural lighting can get a bit tricky. That being, you’re always gonna have to squint if the sun’s getting in your eyes.


Eating Fast Food


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People frequently assume that Instagram models don't eat anything bad given their attractiveness. Fast meals would fall within this category. It turns out that they do consume fast food. And Rianne Meijer made the decision to use this Instagram post as an example. Some models might choose to take somewhat more flattering photos for their postings, but Meijer chose to appear completely sincere in this instance.


It’s All About The Angles


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Riane Meijer is also present to demonstrate the significance of angles in photography. The first one features her head tilted forward and a little lower perspective shot. In the second image, Meijer is seen simply gazing downward while being photographed. The angle is unflattering and accentuates her double chin. Never take a picture from a lower vantage point.


Staying Warm


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How frequently do you see Instagram pictures of women posing outside in the winter while wearing skirts and short sleeve shirts? Since once is sufficient Someone cannot possibly look that wonderful and maintain warmth. The truth is that they don't. The reality of the problem is demonstrated by this one influencer. Once the shoot is through, you should bundle up.


Going Shopping


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Instagram models give off the impression that they can only afford the priciest attire when it comes to shopping. Well, that's because they purchase goods at low prices if it wasn't provided to them by the person they're promoting. Influencers on social media can be well-known enough to make a living at it, but they're still not wealthy. Geraldine West demonstrates the stark gap between purchasing basics at Aldi and Louis Vuitton.


Chilling In The Pumpkin Patch


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When the leaves start to fall and the pumpkins start to grow, it’s the perfect time to take autumn photoshoots. Well, keep in mind that trying to get the perfect photo in a pumpkin patch could mean getting tons of dirt on your shoes. That’ll make the situation a lot less glamorous after the fact.


Don’t Fall


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Avoid attempting action shots by yourself. They are quite dangerous at times. For this young lady's benefit, a gentle incline of grass was behind her. The after photo is not as cool as the initial shot.


Raising A Puppy


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A lot of Instagram influencers take photos with pets to help boost their platform. Animals are cute after all. But remember, they’re not just cute creatures that help you gain more followers. They’re living animals that need to be taken care of. And that’s how things can lead to you cleaning your puppy’s pee off of your floor.


The Reality Of Exercise


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How many glamorous shots of people working out or in sporty clothing do you see on Instagram? A lot, right? They look like they haven’t even started working out. This young woman looks absolutely perfect in the first image. But then after she relaxes her stomach you see what she actually looks like. She was just trying really hard to look good before.